Loot Boy – All Working Redeem Codes Of September 2024

Welcome to our website, Redeem Craze. In today’s article, we will discuss the latest and working redeem codes for the Loot Boy game. By using these codes, you will get exciting rewards in the game.

About Loot Boy:

Loot Boy is an exciting game for players who want to read comics. It is based on comics of different types. It is available for both IOS and Android users worldwide. It was designed and developed by Lootboy Gmbh company. It has more than 10 Million Downloads on the Google Play Store app.

Active Redeem Codes of Loot Boy:

Here is the list of Loot Boy’s active and expired redeem codes. These codes allow you to get Diamonds, Bills, and season tickets for free in the game. They are also valid for a specific period, so redeem them before expiration.

Also, please Explore our website for more game redeem codes like Mobile Legends: Adventure.

Active Code List:

  • flickzy : Redeem this code and get Community Lootpack (Added on October 22nd, 2022) 
  • Discord500 : Dear Looters! Claim this code and loot 500 Coins 
  • Welcome500 : Dear Looters! Claim this code and loot 500 Coins
  • welcomeGG : Dear Looters! Claim this code and loot rewards

Expired Codes List:

  • teamwork10 : Redeem this code for 10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on August 9th, 2023)
  • Y : Redeem this code for 10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on July 26th, 2023)
  • MINERU : Redeem this comic code for 1000 Coins (Added on July 23rd, 2023)
  • LIKE : Redeem this code for 10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on July 20th, 2023)
  • Hijoe11 : Redeem this code for Community Lootpack (Added on July 8th, 2023)
  • 1986 : Redeem this comic code for 1000 Coins (Added on July 8th, 2023)
  • feelfifa07 : Redeem code for a free pack (Added on July 2nd, 2023)
  • WANDERFUL : Redeem comic code for 1000 Coins(Added on July 1st, 2023)
  • D1APOT : Redeem code for a free pack (Added on June 27th, 2023)
  • LINK10 : Redeem this code for 10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on June 25th, 2023)
  • ALTTP : Redeem comic code for rewards(Added on June 23RD, 2023)
  • Tola8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on June 17th, 2023)
  • FUSE : Redeem comic code for rewards(Added on June 17th, 2023)[Shared by Anontry in the comments]
  • Takeoff : Redeem code for a community lootpack(Added on June 11th, 2023)
  • LINK : Redeem comic code for rewards(Added on June 10th, 2023)
  • Hijoe10 : Redeem code for a community lootpack(Added on June 9th, 2023)
  • pizza10 : Redeem this code for a reward(Shared by Lopezx in the comments on June 7th, 2023)
  • OHOH! : Redeem this comic code for 1000 Coins (Added on June 3rd, 2023)
  • pengu10 : Redeem this code for 10 Diamonds and 1k Coins (Added on May 30th, 2023)
  • DIAJACKPOT : Redeem this code for a Stream Pack (Added on May 30th, 2023)
  • nostalgia : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1k Coins(Shared by Oroszlánkirály in the comments on May 29TH, 2023)
  • Green8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1k Coins (Added on May 27th, 2023)
  • TOTK : Redeem this comic code for 1k Coins (Added on May 27th, 2023)
  • halo10 : Redeem this code for x10 Diamonds and 1k Coins (Added on May 22nd, 2023)
  • Tim8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on May 17th, 2023)
  • lof : Redeem this code for a community lootpack(Shared by Anonymous in the comments)(Added on May 14th, 2023)
  • VIKING RISE : Redeem this comic code for 1000 Coins (Added on May 13th, 2023)
  • Shower10 : Redeem this code for X10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on May 11th, 2023)
  • hi : Redeem this code for X3 Diamonds (Added on May 11th, 2023)
  • Club9 : Redeem this code for 9 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on May 9Th, 2023)(Shared by Anonymous in the comments)
  • SHIEKAH : Redeem comic code for 1k coins(Added on May 6th, 2023)
  • Hijoe9 : Redeem this code for a Community Lootpack (Added on May 5th, 2023)(Shared by Anonymous in the comments)
  • saco : Redeem this code for a Community Lootpack (Added on May 3rd, 2023)
  • fray : Redeem this code for Community Lootpack (Added on January 2nd, 2023)
  • Food10 : Redeem this code for 10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins(Added on May 3rd, 2023)(Shared by Oroszlánkirály in the comments)
  • ZONAI : Redeem this comic code for 1000 Coins (Added on April 29th, 2023)
  • sk8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1K Coins(Shared by Oroszlánkirály in the comments on April 28th, 2023)
  • play8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins(Shared by Anonymous in the comments on April 24th, 2023)
  • TEARS : Redeem this comic code for 1K coins (Added on April 21st, 2023) 
  • Boom8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on April 21st, 2023) 
  • d00msd4y : Redeem this code for 5 Diamonds (Added on April 21st, 2023) 
  • Zeld4 : Redeem this code for Discovery Card (Added on April 21st, 2023) 
  • DI4POT : Redeem this code for a Stream Pack (Added on April 18th, 2023)
  • Nuke9 : Redeem this code for 9 Diamonds and 1K Coins (Added on April 17th, 2023) 
  • COWLEVEL : Redeem this comic code for 1K Coins (Added on April 15th, 2023)
  • Aight8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 1K Coins (Added on April 11th, 2023) 
  • QOQQQQ : Redeem this code for legendary egg for the Eggventure collection(Shared by Oroszlánkirály in the comments on April 10th, 2023)
  • AAA : Redeem this code for some Diamonds(Shared by Oroszlánkirály in the comments on April 9th, 2023)
  • AEC : Redeem this code for a rare egg for the Eggventure collection(Shared by Oroszlánkirály in the comments on April 9th, 2023)
  • REJECTED : Redeem this comic code for 1k Coins (Added on April 8th, 2023) 
  • super8 : Redeem this code for 8 Diamonds and 11k000 Coins (Added on April 5th, 2023)
  • FRIENDS-m07XXrh : Redeem this comic code for 1K Coins (Added on March 30th, 2023) 
  • exil03 : Redeem this code for a Community Lootpack (Added on March 2nd, 2023)
  • hamed-04 : Redeem this code for a Community Lootpack (Added on April 13th, 2023)
  • Hijoe8 : Redeem this code for a Community Lootpack (Added on April 8th, 2023)
  • Yiffyiff : Redeem this comic code for free rewards(Added on February 3rd, 2023)
  • More8 : Redeem this code for X 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on February 6th, 2023)
  • pewpewpew : Redeem this code for X 5 Diamonds (Added on February 6th, 2023) 
  • Solo7 : Redeem this code for X 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on February 8th, 2023) 
  • Orion7 : Redeem this code for X 7 Diamonds and 1k Coins (Added on January 20th, 2023)
  • TEN : Redeem this code for X 10 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on January 18th, 2023)
  • GG7 : Redeem this code for X7 Diamonds and 1K Coins (Added on January 13th, 2023)
  • GIFT8 : Redeem this code for X 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on January 8th, 2023)
  • ODA : Redeem this comic code for X 1000 Coins (Added on January 6th, 2023)
  • GG8 : Redeem this code for X 8 Diamonds and 1000 Coins (Added on January 2nd, 2023)
  • OTTO : Redeem this comic code for 1K Coins (Added on December 30th, 2022)
  • NYC7 : Redeem this code for X7 Diamonds and 1K Coins (Added on December 29th, 2022)
  • Kylie4 : Redeem this code and get Community Lootpack (Added on December 4th, 2022)
  • aandre12 : Redeem this code and get Community Lootpack (Added on December 3rd, 2022)
  • cr34t3-chr15tm45 : Redeem code for X5 Diamonds(Added on December 20th, 2022)
  • STEPBRO : Redeem this comic code and get 1K Coins (Added on December 23rd, 2022) 
  • XMAS7 : Redeem this code for X7 Diamonds and 1k Coins (Added on December 26th, 2022)
  • SSD7 : Redeem this code for X7 Diamonds and 1K Coins (Added on December 23rd, 2022)
  • Berki : Redeem this code and get Community Lootpack (Added on August 3rd, 2022)

How do you redeem codes in Loot Boy?

It is very simple to redeem these codes. You want to follow these steps which we have written down:

  • In this process, you want to go to their official website.
  • Click on it “Offical Website.”
  • Now, here, log in with your email and password.
  • Just copy and paste the redeem codes from our website.
  • Click the redeem button and hurry; your rewards will be instantly redeemed.

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